Only Mass Political Action by the American People Can Save Our Democracy

Tensions are rising as Republicans continue their second coup attempt with the goal of undoing American democracy through gerrymandering, voter suppression, refusing to certify election results, and other election rigging tactics. If their plot to dismantle our democracy is allowed to succeed and Republicans establish permanent minority rule, this putschist party will unleash horrors which will make the Trump years seem tame by comparison.

The institutions we have long relied on to protect our democracy are almost certainly incapable of stopping what Republicans have planned. Congress could pass legislation attempting to ban Republicans' election rigging tactics, but conservative Democrats in the senate refuse to abolish the filibuster in order to do so and little can be done to change their minds. Federal courts, particularly the Supreme Court, have become too corrupted by Republicans to protect voter rights. Federal law enforcement is highly unlikely to take action to protect democracy, as the current Republican coup attempt is based around politicians abusing their power to warp electoral law in their favor.

While this situation has left many feeling powerless to stop this Fascist takeover, in reality we are anything but. Mass political action by the American people is our last and greatest defense against tyranny. It is now becoming abundantly clear that if our democracy is to survive we must be willing to take a stand for it. America needs a full scale movement opposing Republican minority rule and demanding true democracy. This is not the first time American democracy has been challenged. It has contracted before due to power hungry individuals eager to shut some out of the democratic process, but our democracy has also expanded because people were willing to take a stand for it.

Numbers are on our side, Republicans are committing to this strategy out of desperation. Because they know they cannot win when elections are free and fair. The majority of the American population opposes their Fascist agenda and will not tolerate being ruled by them. As was the case in other countries where anti-democratic coups have taken place, it will be very hard for Republicans to keep a population who sees them as illegitimate under control.

Through large-scale strategic nonviolence, it is entirely possible for the American people to reject Republican minority rule and rebuild our democracy stronger than ever before. Never before in history have we had at our disposal more information on how to stop electoral coups of the sort Republicans are currently attempting and remove such authoritarians from power. The most important thing for Americans fighting for true democracy is never giving up hope that this goal is an achievable one. For information on building a pro-democracy movement in the US, read the article below.

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How Americans Can Defend Democracy Through Mass Action >>>

More on The Second Republican Coup >>>

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