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A frantic warning from 100 leading experts: Our democracy is in grave danger

Republicans are fighting against democracy — and the future

Will the GOP Steal the 2024 Election?

The Only Way to Stop the GOP’s Democracy Doom Loop

American Democracy is in Even Worse Shape Than You Think

Republican Voter Suppression and Democracy's Moment of Reckoning

Yes, democracy really is in danger

Is America heading to a place where it can no longer call itself a democracy?

2020 was the worst year for democracy in recent history

The For the People Act was doomed from the start. Then Joe Manchin made it official.

Advantage, GOP

Barack Obama sounds the alarm about America’s democratic erosion

A new Pew Survey reveals that the US is no longer a global model for democracy

As Biden tries to rally allies, he faces questions abroad about the state of U.S. democracy

The Democrats’ Last Chance to Save Democracy

Freedom House's Report Shows Democracy in Trouble

Democrats' Shrinking Chance to Protect Voting Rights

If Democracy Is Dying, Why Are Democrats So Complacent?

The GOP Is a Grave Threat to American Democracy

The Republican Party Is Abandoning Democracy

The Republican Party Is Radicalizing Against Democracy

What Matters: This is democracy in America in 2021

The GOP's devotion to Trump threatens to destroy American democracy

Obama stresses protecting voting rights to avoid 'further delegitimizing' democracy

The truth about many in the GOP base: They prefer authoritarianism to democracy

A vivid reminder that the threat to American democracy remains

There’s Less Than Two Years to Save American Democracy

American Democracy Isn't Doing So Hot

The GOP's 'Off the Rails' March Toward Authoritarianism Has Historians Worried

 American Democracy Is Only 55 Years Old—And Hanging by a Thread

The Senate Is Failing

2 out of 3 Americans believe U.S. democracy is under threat