Why Congress Will Not Save American Democracy

As Republicans take unprecedented steps to rig elections across the country in their favor, many had hoped that Democrats in congress would pass voting rights legislation to outlaw at least some of their election cheating tactics. This would make perfect sense, as if the Republican plot to undo American democracy is allowed to succeed, it is unlikely that Democrats will ever be able to regain congressional majorities through electoral means.

But sadly, two Democratic senators have chosen to betray democracy by obstructing the passage of essential voting rights legislation, seemingly for their own personal gain. Many were once confident that Senators Manchin and Sinema would come around eventually, but these hopes have been slowly crushed as the two continued to double down, even as the Republicans blocked an investigation into a deadly attack on their own workplace. A look at Joe Manchin’s recent political donations gives a pretty clear window into his motivations.

If the US Senate was structured in a democratic fashion so that the number of representatives from each state was proportional to its population then we would not be in this situation. But sadly, our democracy is already in such a state of dysfunction that Democrats hold only the slimmest of majorities in the Senate, despite representing far more of the population. This means that even a single so-called Democrat selling out to wealthy private interests can doom any chance of passing legislation needed to save our democracy, or doing much of anything else for that matter.

At this point, after having restated, clarified, and even emboldened their stances against abolishing the filibuster so that voting rights legislation may pass, it is highly unlikely that these conservative Democrats will ever change course. Phone calls, emails, and protests in their home districts are unlikely to do much of anything. Even threatening their reelection chances will seemingly do little to sway these two as neither appear to be angling for reelection to begin with. Instead, they will likely be offered cozy jobs at lobbying firms and go on to live lives of luxury, their reward from the autocrats for their part in the destruction of our democracy.

Once you fully understand the dire situation we are in, watching the long charade of hoping these two will come around to the side of democracy becomes downright agonizing. It makes you feel terrified and utterly powerless. But you aren’t powerless, none of us are in this situation. We have to accept that congress is unlikely to do anything to save our democracy, and that the defense of our civil liberties in the face of this undemocratic Republican takeover will fall to the American people.

This is a frightening prospect at first, but it becomes less so once you realize the power of a public who believes strongly in democracy to fight back against illegitimate authoritarian governments through strategic nonviolence. This has been done in countries all over the world, and it can be here as well. The future is uncertain, but each of us has a role to play in creating a brighter tomorrow. Never forget your own power to do so.

It is often a good feeling when you stop worrying about what Democrats in congress will do and start to think about what actions you and your community can take in defense of democracy. For more on what a nonviolent movement to oppose undemocratic Republican rule may look like, and how you might play a part, read the article linked below.

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